How You Can Care About Extreme Summer Heat in Pakistan

Summer started in Pakistan and the incredible heat increasing day by day even in the end of April. Weather of Karachi not reasonable and very hot now. The Temperature is increasing up to 42 Degrees celsius in Karachi. With The blessings of God, We hope so this summer will not make heat but we have to care about the extreme summer heat in Pakistan.

Longer days, Shorter nights come in the summer and in the day time the temprature is much higher than nights which can be effect the human health. Due to the sunlight in the day time most of people can not do more work outside in the summer but the people who spend time outside for the earning money they bear more pain of the summer heat. So if you spend more time outside in the summer it could cause the Sunstroke. Sunstroke is a condition when your body cannot control your temprature. So if you cannot go the cool place instantly it could harm for your life and life is preciouse.

Sunstroke attack normaly happend due to sun exposure and human mind and body cannot control the boday temprature. Suntroke patient needs your attention and you have to give him to drink more water as soon as possible to rude his body temprature. Following are some

Heat Stroke Symptoms - SunStroke Symptoms

  • Body temperature Increased
  • Hot and dry skin (the body does not perspire normally, hence the dryness of the skin);
  • Dehydration
  • Headache 
  • You Become Very Tired 
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Skin Redness 
  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Heat sensation in the face
  • Fast, jerky breathing
  • Heart rate
  • Difficulties in speaking, confusion
  • Oppression
  • Somnolence
  • Dizziness
  • Ringing in the ears
If you are spending more time outside in the summer you can effect the heat stroke. the people who cannot do exercise daily in the summer can be effected with heat stroke. Children, women and old people can effected easly. We have to care about these people. Lets disscuse some imporatant precaution to care about the summer heath in pakistan.

About Summer Heat Care in Pakistan - SunStroke Precaution

  • Try to Away From the Sunlight And Heat
  • Finish Your Work in The Morning or Evening 
  • Do not go outside when the temprute is high if the work is more imporatant take with you umbrella.
  • Try to Walk in The Shades 
  • Drink More and More Water At Least 10 Glass of Water 
  • Drink Fresh Fruits and Vagitable Juices. 
  • Eat More Vagitables and Salads . Do Not Eat Spicy Foods. 
  • Always wear cloths which allow passing the air. 

First Aid and Treatment of Summer Heat  

  • If You Feel the heat of the summer then your very first step should to move on towards the shades and cool place from the sunlight. 
  • After reaching the cool place you should undress your cloths and shoe as possible. 
  • Drink more fluids and drinks. 
  • After Some time drink cold water