Eating More Fruits and Vegetables Daily Loss Weight


This will reassure people who are adopting diets that showcase fruit and vegetable food families to lose weight.
Increased consumption of fruits, vegetables, dietary fiber, vitamins C and B6, beta-carotene and folate can stimulate weight loss in a population of overweight adults, according to a Brazilian study published in the journal "Nutrition Research".

Researchers at the University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) calculated the effects of dietary components on weight loss, independent of exercise and total energy consumption over a 6-month period.

According to the researchers, led by the doctoral student Sartorelli, consuming 100 grams of additional fruit daily would lose 300 grams in weight after 6 months. Results were adjusted for age, gender, physical activity differences, and overall energy use of the study participants. Read also the list of high-fiber foods that can help you lose weight by clicking here.

Similarly, an increased consumption of 100 g of vegetables is linked to a reduction of 500 g of body weight over 6 months.

An increase in fiber consumption was also associated with weight loss. Each increase of 1 gram of total dietary fiber and fiber from fruits and vegetables was associated with a reduction in body weight of 115 grams and 180 grams respectively after the 6-month period.

In addition, differences in the consumption of vitamins C and B6, beta-carotene and folate were also associated with weight loss according to the study.

This study analyzed for 6 months a group of 80 overweight people (aged between 30 and 65). All participants took part in a nutritional counseling program during these six months.

The participants were divided into two groups: the control group and the intervention group. The intervention group had to eat more fruits and vegetables every day than the control group.

Participants in the intervention group received dietary advice during 3 individualized 6-month sessions, as well as dietary suggestions provided by a nutritionist (including increasing consumption of olive oil, fruits and vegetables, and reduce the consumption of saturated fats). This group also received written information and a 30-minute group session, which was received by the control group.

Food consumption was estimated from a questionnaire. Body Mass and Body Mass Index (BMI) measurements were taken at the beginning of the study and after 6 months.

The findings of the study suggest that a diet high in dietary fiber can help lose weight. One hypothesis to explain such results is the sensation of satiety felt after a high consumption of fibers.

Still, the researchers point out that previous studies suggest that foods that are naturally rich in fiber are associated with greater weight loss than those that are fiber-rich. This would indicate the role of other compounds contained in fruits and vegetables, which are not related to the fiber content, in weight loss.

The researchers conclude that more research is needed to elucidate the independent role of fruits and vegetables in controlling body weight. Also, read the colors of fruits and vegetables to choose to vary and keep healthy by clicking here.

More recently, a study published in May 2011 suggests that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, with fewer meats and fried foods, can lead to less weight gain. Researchers at Boston University (USA) found that African-American women whose main diet was based on fruits and vegetables gained less weight than those who consumed more meats and fried foods.

This study, conducted on more than 41,000 African-American women, was published in the journal "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition", and was the first to link a healthier diet and weight among African-American women, a population with a high rate of obesity. Dr. Deborah Boggs, head of the study, found that "people tend to eat a lot of food rather than a lot of calories," and that "a diet rich in red meats and fried foods can lead to excessive consumption of calories because these foods contain more calories than the same amount of fruits and vegetables.

The findings of this study are consistent with the one we discussed above, to say that eating more fruits and vegetables every day can help you lose weight. Also, read how to enhance the taste of your meals with 10 tasty fruits and vegetables by clicking here.

If you are used to regularly eating fruits and vegetables, do you find that you lose weight or keep your line more easily?